Vitamix 6500 vs. 7500 – Which One Is Best?

Over the past few years Vitamix has been making improvements on their best selling 5200 model blender. These improvements have trickled their way in to other series blender models. Today we will look at the C-Series 6500 compared to the G-Series Vitamix 7500 to see which one is better.

In this article I will cover the model differences and similarities as well as going in depth with the features and options of each blender. I will also answer your most common questions and tell you what I like about each model before telling you which one I think is the better version.

If you are just dying to know: The 6500 is a better model for the reasons I outline in the article below.


Differences between the Vitamix 6500 and the 7500

Other than a model number, there are some differences between the two blenders. Let’s have a look at what those differences are:

  • The base station of the 6500 is the older C-Series design the 7500 has the new generation G-Series base.
  • Vitamix moved the main power supply switch from the front panel (6500) to the rear of the machine (7500).
  • The 6500 has three preset blending options; the 7500 doesn’t have preset blending options
  • The 7500 has noise dampening for motor noise; the 6500 does not.
  • There is about a $50 price point difference between the cheaper 6500 and the more expensive 7500.

Similarities between Vitamix 6500 and Vitamix 7500

Even though these two blenders are from different model series, they share certain features in common.

  • Both the 6500 and the 7500 have the same 2.2 peak horsepower motor.
  • Each model has the G-Series stout profile 64 ounce pitcher.
  • The 7500 and the 6500 have a pulse option.
  • Each utilize a six foot power cord.
  • Both models come with the Vitamix seven year warranty.
  • The 6500 and 7500 each have a ten speed variable control dial.
  • Included with each model is a cookbook and a tamper plunger.

Side By Side Comparison

Let us take a look at each of the models side by side.

Vitamix 6500 Vitamix 7500
Motor 2.2 HP 2.2 HP
Noise Dampening No Yes
Preset Controls 3 No
Pitcher Capacity 64 ounces 64 ounces
Base Series C-Series G-Series
Pulse Yes Yes
Tamper Yes Yes
Overall Height 17.2 inches 17.25 inches
Variable Speeds 10 10
Power Cord 6 feet 6 feet
Cookbook Yes Yes
Warranty 7 years 7 Years
Price Check on Amazon Check on Amazon

In Depth Feature Exploration

I will now take a closer look at the features and options of the two models so you can have a better understanding of what they offer.

1. Motors

One of the advancements Vitamix made in the G-Series was the new generation motor. This motor has trickled to some of the models in other series’. Both the 7500 and the 6500 run the same 2.2 peak horsepower motor introduced in the G-Series.

The difference is the base station surrounding the motor. The 6500 still uses the C-Series base which has zero noise dampening insulation. On the other hand, the 7500 has noise dampening insulation which reportedly reduces the noise by 40 percent.

Personally, this noise reduction is a nice thing, but for most models isn’t that great of an advancement. Depending on what you are blending, for example, a quieter motor isn’t going to matter. If you need to crush ice cubes it is still going to be very loud.

With the case of the 6500, though, noise reduction of the motor is actually missed. Because of the presets the model has, you can run the blender for extended times. In these instances, the extra noise from the motor will be quite noticeable.

Bottom Line: The 7500 wins. Quieter is quieter, unless you crush a lot of ice.

2. Controls

Let’s take a closer look at those presets and controls. I will start with the 7500. The main power switch is now located in the back of the machine. This switch supplies power from the outlet to the On/Off switch on the control panel.

The On switch is a two-position toggle that when placed in the On position will supply power to the motor, spinning the blades. To the left of the toggle is a variable speed control dial. There are ten speed settings for the 7500 numbered 1 through 10, ten is the highest speed.

When the On/Off switch is turned on, the motor will begin spinning at the speed indicated by the dial.

To the left of the dial is the pulse toggle. This is a single position switch that will return to “off” when you let go. Pulse is used to quickly pulse the blades for a fast chop without completely blending your ingredients.

The 6500 model has these same toggles, pulse and the on/off switch. The first difference is the location of the main power switch, which is located on the front of the blender, below the control panel.

The other difference is in the variable speed dial. It also has speed controls 1 through 10, but it also has three preset options. These options are: Smoothies; Frozen Desserts; Hot Soup.

Smoothies. The smoothie option will run for a predetermined time until the contents are blended to the right consistency. When this happens the unit will turn itself off to avoid over-blending.

Vitamix 6500 smoothies

Frozen Desserts. This setting works the same way as the smoothies option, blending until the ingredients are fully blended and at the right consistency. It will then shut off to prevent blending too much.

Hot Soup. The hot soup option will run the blender for about ten minutes. This will cause the friction of the blades to heat the soup to serving temperature. You will not need to transfer the soup to a pot on the stove. Because of the time this takes, you can see why I mentioned that the 6500 should have noise control.

Bottom Line: The 6500 wins. Presets to avoid over-blending is a very nice feature for busy cooks.

Vitamix 6500 Dials

3. Pitchers

Yet another design brought back from the G-Series is the stout pitcher. Vitamix’s flagship best seller, the 5200, used the tall slender pitcher that garnered a lot of complaints. Listening to their customers, Vitamix introduced the shorter, wider pitcher.

The new pitcher is a full three inches shorter than the old model. Both the 6500 and the 7500 make use of this new design. With the new pitcher in place the machines measure just over 17 inches tall. This is compared to the 5200 that stands 20.5 inches tall.

That extra height made under-cabinet storage difficult. The new, stout pitcher has had less complaints about it’s height. The pitcher included is a wet pitcher, meaning it is designed for wet ingredients. You can use it for dry food as well, but over time the thinner walls of the wet pitchers will scratch, making cleaning more difficult.

Bottom Line: This is a tie. Both of the models compared here use the shorter pitcher.

4. Included With the Blenders

Both the 6500 and the 7500 have two extras included with the purchase of the blenders. The first thing you receive is a tamper plunger. This tool is used to push down stubborn ingredients to get them to the blades to be blended.

This helps with lighter items such as leaves, or those ingredients that get caught at the top of the vortex and just won’t go down.

The second thing you get is a 200 page cookbook with recipes you can make with your new blender. You will learn what settings and how long certain ingredients need to run for and how the hot soup setting works, among others.

Bottom line: Another tie. Both blenders come with both items.

5. Recall!

It happened. I will explain it here for you to understand. In August of 2015, Vitamix issued a voluntary recall on the stout pitcher model that was released with certain blenders. The 7500, 750, 300 E-Series and the 6500 had an issue where the Teflon seal and o-rings would flake off, leaving black specs in your smoothies.

Vitamix fixed the issue right away and began shipping blenders with a pitcher that didn’t flake by the end of August 2015. If you have (or get) a model affected by the recall, you simply contact Vitamix and they will send you a replacement pitcher for free.

The “black specs” debacle has blown out of proportion and people have claimed since then, that Vitamix has done nothing about it. This is due to 3rd party resellers not returning the affected blenders and selling them anyway. The stock has pretty much depleted, however there are still some floating around.

On as aside, Teflon will not break down in our systems. The tiny flakes that appear in the smoothie are not large enough to cause us any harm. They will enter out bodies and exit our bodies without any ill side effects. (legal note: I am not a doctor.)

If you notice you have black specs in your blends, contact Vitamix for a replacement pitcher. However, any that you may have ingested previously will pass through you without harm.

Frequently Asked Questions

I will answer the more common questions about the blenders here, so you don’t have to ask them later. I mean, you’re welcome.

Q1: Are there other pitchers that can be used on these models?

A1: Yes. Absolutely. Vitamix makes several different pitchers for the new wider base, shorter profile pitcher.

The included pitcher is a wet pitcher with a 64 ounce capacity. They also sell a dry pitcher and several pitchers in various capacity sizes such as 48 and 32 ounces. I should note, however, that different model pitchers, such as the taller, slimmer ones found on the 5200, will not work with the 6500 and 7500.

48 ounce container

Q2: If I don’t want to purchase a dry pitcher, can I use the wet pitcher to make nut butter?

A2: You can. If you decide to do this, I wouldn’t recommend that you do it very often. The wet pitchers are not designed to withstand the beating that dry ingredients give them. Over time (and not a lot of it, mind you) the dry ingredients will scratch the surface of the pitcher.

You will begin to notice that the pitcher is cloudy and won’t “come clean.” This is due to scratching. Your pitcher is not dirty, but the scratches prevent the clear appearance you are used to.

If you plan to make a lot of nut butter or other dry good recipes, it would be a good idea to invest in a dry pitcher. You will be happier in the long run if you do.

Q3: How do I clean the pitcher? Is it dishwasher safe?

A3: The pitchers are not dishwasher safe. You should never put your pitcher or lid in the dishwasher, even on the top rack. There are two methods to cleaning your pitcher, I suggest you do them both.

After every use you should fill the pitcher halfway with warm water and add a few drops of dish soap. Turn the blender on the lowest setting and gradually increase the speed (remember to put the lid on.) until the vortex of soapy water reaches the lid. Let it run a couple minutes here to loosen all of the build up from the pitcher and the blades.

Rinse the pitcher out thoroughly and you will be ready for the next use. You should also hand wash your pitcher with warm water, dish soap and a sponge. The blades are dull to the touch and you will need to scrub the pitcher walls to get rid of any bacteria build up. Swirling water won’t get it all.

If you use the self cleaning method after every use, you can safely hand wash the blender once a week (if you use it daily) or after every 10th use or so.

Q4: These blenders are very popular, and for me quite pricey. Can you convince me to make the purchase?

A4: You know, I probably could. I am quite the salesman. I once sold a ketchup Popsicle to a prim and proper lady wearing white gloves. However, that is no longer my job and I am not employed by Vitamix, so while I could, I won’t. No.

Q5: I know it will puree, but will it make hummus?

A5: You know what? It absolutely will. These motors will power though anything and thicker purees, such as your hummus, come out thick, creamy and ready to dip.

Q6: I am visiting the US and want to purchase this blender, can I take it back home with my to the United Kingdom?

A6: I won’t stop you. I highly doubt the customs officials will either. You won’t be able to use it back home though. The US version is wired for 110 volt power supplies, not the 220 volt found in the UK.

You can, if you are interested, purchase a power converter and use it that way. If you do you must make sure that you get a minimum 3kw converter. They will run you about $150 USD. This will also void your seven year warranty.

Your best bet it to wait until you get home and purchase one wired for 220 volts.

What I Like About the Vitamix 6500

  • Next generation 2.2. HP motor
  • Stout pitcher fits under cabinets.
  • Blends the same even if it is ice or spinach leaves.
  • The three presets aid busy chefs without over-blending.

What I Like About the Vitamix 7500

  • Noise dampening insulation for the motor.
  • Low profile design saves space.
  • Pulse option for quick chops and lighter blends.

In Conclusion

If you are looking for a high quality blender backed by a name that has been around for over 80 years and a warranty that is almost a decade long, Vitamix has your answer. Which model should you go for though?

If you want a slightly quieter motor, a sleek design and pulse controls, then you may want to place the Vitamix 7500 at the top of your list. This model will blend anything you throw in it (be careful what you put in it) and it won’t hesitate once.

However, if you want all of the same features in a little bit noisier model, then the 6500 should be your choice. You will get presets for auto blending, the ability to heat soup, the pulse control and you will save a little bit of money.

It is for these reasons that I chose the Vitamix 6500 as the winner of this match up.

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